Ooops and Friends                
About Bob

I started in the clown business in 2002 after we hired a clown for my daughters birthday.   The performer did a magic show and twisted balloons.  I was blown away not only with the balloon twisting and the magic, but his ability to hold the kids attentions while he performed was amazing.  The look on their faces was what I will always remember.

In that moment, when I saw the look of amazement on the childrens faces,  I decided to take the first step towards pursuing what would become my passion.

I have grown to realize that I have always had a desire in my heart to perform.  Plus I have always had a heart for others, especially children.  So this has been a very fullfilling blessing for me.

I have been on an incredible journey since that time, educating myself at clown conventions, sitting at the feet of amazing teachers, magicians, twisters and becoming a teacher myself.

The most important part of this journey has been the many  smiles and laughter I have been able to share with others. 

I look forward to the privilege of many more years entertaining our community.
Bob and Janelle

About us

children birthday parties
 adult birthday parties
winery events
fairs and festivals
farmers markets


retirement party
walk a thons
company picnics
corporate events
trade shows
holiday parties

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